Blue in the Face

Top Ten Best Blue Video Game Characters of All Time!

Night Mode

This list looks at gaming’s greatest blue characters. Blue is a color that has many meanings and associations. As the color of the ocean and the sky, it’s often used to symbolize serenity and stability. It’s also linked with melancholy and sadness, and a person who is feeling blue may be in a state of emotional distress. Since blue is a cool color, it can make an individual seem distant or detached. Blue is a dynamic color that can evoke different emotions depending on the context, and the characters on this list reflect this dichotomy.

Examples: Genie, The Smurfs, Doctor Manhattan




Bubble Bobble Series

Bubblun was previously recognized on our list of green characters, so it would be meanspirited if we didn’t single out his twin brother in similar fashion. Bubble Bobble was an important milestone for co-op gaming, so both dragons deserve equal consideration. The twins are pallet swaps of one another, after all, and they have the same abilities. Like his brother, Bobblun was just a normal kid until he wandered into the Cave of Monsters. His intent was to rescue his kidnapped girlfriend, but he got more than he bargained for when a drunk wizard turned him into an adorable dragon. In an ironic twist, the transformation gave him them ability to blow bubbles and capture his adversaries. The little dinosaurs are soooo cute when their blowing bubbles, so it’s easy to overlook the fact that they are proficient killing machines.




StarFox Series

After her remote planet was nearly destroyed, Krystal stood as the sole survivor. Her telepathic abilities helped her endure the hostile environment, and her magic staff was a veritable Swiss Army knife. She didn’t have many other resources available to her, however, so she spent the entire duration of StarFox Adventures running around in a loin cloth. This was likely one of the reasons she received an invitation to join the StarFox team. The vixen made a great first impression, and Fox McCloud couldn’t resist Krystal’s blue persuasion. The characters in StarFox are based on real-world animals and tend to have appropriate colors for their species. Krystal breaks from convention with her luscious coat of cobalt fur. This serves as a constant reminder that she’s an outsider, but it also makes her seem more exotic.




Legacy of Kain Series

Raziel was a powerful vampire lieutenant who served as Kain’s right-hand man. Sadly, their relationship soured after Raziel sprouted a pair of wings. Kain was concerned that Raziel’s power would surpass his own, so he had his goons throw his former bestie into the Lake of the Dead. Fortunately, Raziel was saved by the Elder God and resurrected as a wraith. He emerged from the abyss without his lower jaw, and most of his muscle mass had melted away. He was given a new sense of purpose, however, and the desire for vengeance was a powerful motivating factor. His pale blue skin serves as a constant reminder of the traumatic betrayal, and it helps him stand out from his former vampire allies. His ghoulish appearance also reflects his inner struggles. Raziel is bestowed with great power, but he’s also a tragic hero who is vulnerable, fractured, and flawed.




Zelda Series

The beast known as Ganon is the corrupted form of an already despicable man. His monstrous pig-like exterior is a reflection of his selfish desires and an insatiable thirst for power. As the embodiment of evil, Ganon has an important place in history. His influence transcends generations, and his reach extends through multiple timelines. Although his appearance changes from one game to the next, Ganon was originally depicted as a blue monstrosity. He’s a shade of blue in the majority of his appearances, in fact, and that’s still the color he’s most closely associated with. Even though Ganon is one of the most iconic villains in gaming history, he typically only emerges near the very end of his adventures. There’s an air of mystery around him that limits his visibility somewhat, but that makes it all-the-more impactful when he eventually reveals himself.

King Dedede


King Dedede

Kirby Series

Blue is the prevailing color for video game penguins, but I couldn’t find room for one on this list. King Dedede is the next best thing, and the mouthy bird could be described as penguin-adjacent. The self-proclaimed King of Dream Land was introduced as Kirby’s main adversary, and he’s largely defined by gluttony, stubbornness, and selfishness. Remarkably, his character has evolved over time, and he’s now viewed as a friendly rival. Even though Dedede has been featured in dozens of games, he’s an unusual choice for this list since he’s usually bundled up in winter clothing. He’s seldom seen without his toque and mittens, and his fur-lined coat wouldn’t be out of place in Santa’s closet. When he powers up in Star Allies, however, his bulging muscles tear through his clothes and his brilliant blue body is put on display. Swole Dedede is truly a sight to behold.




Pokémon Series

There are nearly 200 blue Pokémon as of this writing, including two out of the three original starters. After all these years, no Pokémon is more strongly linked with the color blue than Blastoise. In Japan, the first generation of Pokémon games had separate Red and Green versions. An updated Blue variation later followed, which served as the basis for the international release. Blastoise was prominently featured on the game’s box on both sides of the ocean, so the walking water cannon will be forever associated with the color blue. Although the exposure certainly helps its case, Blastoise is legitimately cool. The imposing creature looks like a cross between a turtle and an army tank, and it has all the benefits of both. Its durable shell provides a layer of protection, while its pressurize water jets can punch through steel!




Halo Series

As an A.I. construct, Cortana exists as a string of ones and zeros on a network. She doesn’t really have a color, per se, nor does she have a physical form. That being said, she’s often projected as a flickering hologram that takes the shape of a woman. The hologram was actually purple in her first appearance, and the hue can apparently change with her mood. She’s usually depicted as blue, however, and that’s the color she’s most strongly associated with. Cortana serves as an advisor to Master Chief, and she helps out by hacking computer systems and decoding transmissions. She also has to relay information to the player since Master Chief is a man of few words. Cortana is the heart of the Halo series, but she wouldn’t be nearly as sympathetic if she didn’t have a visual identity of some sort. Her holographic form is an essential part of her character.



Blue Slimes

Dragon Quest Series

Even though slimes were conceived as disposable enemies, they have somehow managed to overshadow every other Dragon Quest character. The little guys have appeared in every Dragon Quest game, and they’re among the most prolific mascots in all of gaming. Slimes come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, and we’ve literally been introduced to over 100 varieties since 1986. The lowly blue slimes are potentially the first enemies you encounter in the series, however, and they’re still the most iconic. There is a staggering amount of Dragon Quest merchandise out there, and the blue slimes have been the basis for everything from plush toys to video game controllers. Their default expressions convey nothing but pure unadulterated joy, and their smiles are contagious. This is likely the reason for their sustained popularity.

Mega Man


Mega Man

Mega Man Series

Gaming’s most prolific android was conceived as a common household robot before being converted into Earth’s greatest defender. His creator envisioned a world where robots and humans could live in harmony, and Mega Man was tasked with stopping an ever-growing army of killer machines in order to achieve this goal. Mega Man has all sorts of abilities at his disposal, and he can even copy abilities from other robots. This allows him to become stronger with each fight, and it makes him one of the most versatile heroes in gaming history. His body changes color in accordance to what weapons he’s using, but he’s most strongly associated with blue since it’s his default color. Fans affectionately refer to him as the Blue Bomber, in fact, and his metallic body will forever be seen as a shining beacon of hope and optimism.

Sonic the Hedgehog Series



Sonic the Hedgehog Series

Video game characters in the early ’90s were virtually indistinguishable from breakfast cereal mascots, but Sonic the Hedgehog was different. While his contemporaries were following trends, Sonic was the one who was setting them. From his inception, the irreverent blue hedgehog was intended to be Sega’s answer to Mario. He was faster and edgier than Nintendo’s leading man, and he represented the company well. Sega’s “Blast Processing” marketing campaign was largely informed by Sonic’s high-speed antics, and the little guy nearly turned the tides of the 16-bit wars. There was a time where Sonic games lived on top of the sales charts and were acclaimed as Game of the Year candidates. Sonic has lent his name to movies, comics, and over 100 video games. He’s a product of his time to a certain extent, but his staying power cannot be denied.

Green Characters
Purple Characters

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